Personal site for Andrew J. Hesford

A Home Router Built on Void Linux and ZFSBootMenu

Back around 1998, I built a home router from a Dell Dimension with a 100-MHz Pentium, some tens of megabytes of RAM, no hard disk and PicoBSD on a high-density, 3.5-inch floppy. Our cable company offered us a cable modem that could pull 256 kbps down and used a 56k modem for uploads. We started on thin coax and eventually upgraded to twisted pair and an 8-port hub. Our demands grew, and eventually it became more convenient to use pre-built home routers with integrated wireless access points.

After two decades, I bought several eero Pro units to distribute around my home for relatively painless “mesh” Wi-Fi. These are “Pro” in name only. The feature that distinguishes these devices from regular eero units is not improved control and configurability, but a third wireless band. With Ethernet backhaul, this setup works well enough, provided you don’t care too much about controlling the devices through a mobile application via Amazon, over the Internet. Losing control of your network when your Internet connection is down and having too few knobs to tweak when you want to do anything that isn’t bog standard gets old pretty fast. I’ve thought several times about using my old Asus RT-AC66U as the router and using the eero devices as dumb access points, but figured I might as well go all in on custom.

Hardware Requirements

Wireless networking isn’t as important to me as it used to be. A few years back, I ran twisted pair to strategic places in my house, and most devices with Ethernet adapters are already wired directly into the network. For handheld devices and entertainment units with no Ethernet, I want good throughput and relatively seamless roaming. The existing eero units do this job just fine, and they can be put in “bridge” mode to disable routing and firewall capabilities.

CPU, memory and storage requirements are pretty modest. I’ve got a 400/20 Mbps cable link that I want to be able to saturate. If the local fiber company ever gets around to building out my neighborhood, I’d like to expand that to a symmetric 1 Gbps. To go beyond that, I’d have to rewire the house and upgrade all other equipment anyway.

Some weeks ago, I happened upon an article about a Lanner FW-7541C running Void Linux (via a post on r/voidlinux that I can no longer find). The two-core, four-thread Atom D525 CPU, 4 GB DDR3 RAM and 30-GB SSD seem to provide all the power I need for a home router. The device provides six independent Ethernet interfaces. I’ve already configured switching for my network around the two-port eero box, so having more than two interfaces is nice but unnecessary. As a bonus, the author of the article has already confirmed that our standard Void kernel recognizes all of the hardware. I grabbed a unit off eBay for the same price quoted in the original article.

Basic Installation

The article linked above provides details for configuring a Void live image to use a serial console. This works fine for me, except I avoid deploying Linux or UNIX systems without ZFS, so I needed to include the Void zfs package in the initramfs. From a clone of the void-mklive repo,

sudo ./ -C "console=ttyS0,115200n8" -p zfs

gives me an ISO image I can write to a USB drive and boot on the Lanner. From there, I abandoned the original article about running Void on the Lanner and moved to the ZFSBootMenu Wiki for a HOWTO on setting up ZFSBootMenu with syslinux on BIOS systems. I made a few trivial deviations from the HOWTO:

At the conclusion of the HOWTO, I finalized my /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg file to contain

SERIAL 0 115200 0x8
UI menu.c32

MENU TITLE Choose a ZFSBootMenu image to boot
DEFAULT zbmskip

LABEL zbmskip
MENU LABEL ZFSBootMenu (Default)
LINUX /zbm/vmlinuz-bootmenu
INITRD /zbm/initramfs-bootmenu.img
APPEND zfsbootmenu ro loglevel=4 zbm.skip zbm.lines=30 zbm.columns=90 console=ttyS0,115200n8

LABEL zbmshow
LINUX /zbm/vmlinuz-bootmenu
INITRD /zbm/initramfs-bootmenu.img
APPEND zfsbootmenu ro loglevel=4 zbm.lines=30 zbm.columns=90 console=ttyS0,115200n8

LABEL zbmbackup
MENU LABEL ZFSBootMenu (Fallback)
KERNEL /zbm/vmlinuz-bootmenu-backup
INITRD /zbm/initramfs-bootmenu-backup.img
APPEND zfsbootmenu ro loglevel=4 zbm.timeout=300 zbm.lines=30 zbm.columns=90 console=ttyS0,115200n8

This left me with a functioning Void installation on the Lanner.

Initial Router Configuration

To manage routing, it is helpful to treat the network interface that will be connected to your ISP (in my case, via cable modem) separately from all other interfaces. It is also useful to give static names to all interfaces and do away with the horrible “predictable naming” that is enabled by default. The “predictable naming” can be disabled with an argument on the kernel command line, but a more permanent solution is to mask the naming rule with

mkdir -p /etc/udev/rules.d
ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules

Next, assign convenient and obvious names to each of the six interfaces based on MAC addresses. Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-net-macs.rules with contents

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f0", NAME="wan0"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f1", NAME="lan0.0"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2", NAME="lan0.1"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f3", NAME="lan0.2"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f4", NAME="lan0.3"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f5", NAME="lan0.4"

Make sure to replace the placeholder addresses in ATTR{address} with the actual MAC address for each interface. You’ll need to create a host-only initramfs image to make sure these rules are applied when your system configures devices:

cat >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/hostonly.conf  <<EOF

Finally, xbps-reconfigure -f linuxX.Y for whatever versioned linuxX.Y packages you have installed. (Even if you rely on the unversioned linux metapackage, you will need to use the name of the versioned package that is pulled in as a dependency.)

Unless you are doing sophisticated stuff on your internal network, in which case you probably don’t this guide anyway, it is convenient to lump all internal interfaces into a single bridge by adding the following lines to /etc/rc.local:

# Create a bridge for all but wlan0
ip link add name lan0 type bridge

# Bring up and attach devices to the bridge
for _dev in 0 1 2 3 4; do
        ip link set dev lan0.${_dev} up
        ip link set dev lan0.${_dev} master lan0
unset _dev

# Bring up the bridge
ip link set dev lan0 up

# Create a static IP address on the lan0 interface
ip addr add brd + dev lan0

Finally, set some sysctls to allow IP forwarding:

cat > /etc/sysctl.d/ip_forwarding.conf <<EOF
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1

On internal interfaces, I also like to enable “stable privacy” addresses and use router advertisements for SLAAC configuration:

cat > /etc/sysctl.d/ipv6_addressing.conf <<EOF
net.ipv6.conf.all.addr_gen_mode = 3
net.ipv6.conf.default.addr_gen_mode = 3
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra = 1

For IPv6 subnet delegation from the ISP to the internal network, we will rely on dhcpcd, which was already pulled in by base-voidstrap. Add some additional directives to its configuration and enable the service:

cat >> /etc/dhcpcd.conf <<EOF
# Ignore resolv.conf updates
nohook resolv.conf

# Only listen on WAN interface
allowinterfaces wan0

interface wan0
  ia_na 1
  ia_pd 2 lan0/0

ln -s /etc/sv/dhcpcd /var/service

Except for the nohook resolv.conf directive, these directives come right from the dhcpcd.conf(5) manual page, but I’ve inverted the suggested denyinterfaces eth2 blacklist in favor of the more restrictive allowinterfaces wan0 whitelist. The resolv.conf hook is disabled because we will rely on dnsmasq for DNS rather than whatever lousy servers the ISP suggests.

At this point, plugging your ISP device into the wan0 port (after taking steps to clear any MAC binding it may have) should result in dhcpcd grabbing a public IPv4 address and, if supported, IPv6 address. The ia_pd directive in your dhcpcd.conf will also result in your lan0 interface receiving a public IPv6 address of the form <prefix>::1/<mask> for some arbitrary prefix and mask length. (In my case, the mask length is 64 bits.) This is not sufficient to provide any connectivity to other devices on your network.

Firewalls and Masquerading

Before going further, it is probably desirable to configure a firewall. I prefer nftables for this task, so start by installing necessary components:

xbps-install -S nftables runit-nftables

The runit-nftables package installs a runit core service that will configure your firewall before running any regular services, so there is no need to enable the fake nftables service provided in the nftables package.

There are a number of guides for configuring firewalls and IPv4 masquerading with nftables. Here, I’ll just dump a basic firewall configuration:

# Clear all prior state
flush ruleset

table inet firewall {
  # Packets bound for the local host
  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority 0
    policy drop

    # allow established/related connections
    ct state {established, related} accept

    # early drop of invalid connections
    ct state invalid drop

    # allow from loopback
    iif lo accept

    # allow from local bridge
    iif lan0 accept

    # allow icmp, igmp
    ip protocol icmp accept
    ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 accept
    ip protocol igmp accept

    # Allow dhcpv6
    udp dport dhcpv6-client accept

    # allow ssh
    tcp dport ssh accept

    # allow ssh to local host
    tcp dport 222 accept

    # everything else
    reject with icmpx type port-unreachable

  # Packets not bound for the local host (e.g., virtualization guests)
  chain forward {
    type filter hook forward priority 0
    policy drop

    # Drop invalid packets
    ct state invalid drop

    # Allow all outgoing on wan interface
    oif wan0 accept

    # Allow incoming on wan interface for related and established
    iif wan0 ct state related, established accept

    # allow inbound ssh
    iif wan0 tcp dport ssh accept

  # Outbound packets
  chain output {
    type filter hook output priority 0

table ip nat {
  chain prerouting {
    type nat hook prerouting priority -100

    # Forward traffic from wan interface to LAN
    iif wan0 tcp dport ssh dnat comment "default ssh port forwarding"
    iif wan0 tcp dport 222 redirect to ssh comment "local ssh port redirection"

  chain postrouting {
    type nat hook postrouting priority 100

    # Masquerade outgoing traffic
    oif wan0 masquerade

These rules allow outbound IPv4 connections originating from the internal network to be masqueraded as the router. Furthermore, inbound SSH connections are forwarded to a default host (here, while connections on port 222 are directed to the SSH server running on the router itself.

DHCP and DNS for the Internal Network

The router knows how to get an IPv4 address and, when applicable, IPv6 address on wan0 using dhcpcd. It will also request prefix delegation and assign a ::1 IPv6 address to lan0 using the prefix delegated by the ISP. The firewall has been configured to restrict most inbound traffic, pass all outbound traffic and, for IPv4, masquerade outbound packets that originate from the internal network. If you only use IPv4 and all devices on your internal network will be statically configured, nothing more is required. However, for dynamic configuration, the router needs to run a DHCP server and also issue router advertisements for a delegated IPv6 prefix. There are several programs that can provide these services. I like dnsmasq because it will do both and, as a bonus, provide a DNS cache for the hosts on my network. Install with

xbps-install -S dnsmasq

Configuration is straightforward, with directives in /etc/dnsmasq.conf that map cleanly to command-line options for the server. My basic configuration is

# Ignore /etc/resolv.conf and statically configure servers

# Upstream servers: CloudFlare

# Upstream servers: Google

# Disable bogus private reverse lookups

# Only listen for DHCP and DNS on lan0

# IPv4 private DHCP range

# Do router advertisements for all subnets where we're doing DHCPv6

# For SLAAC and stateless DHCPv6, pull IPv6 prefix
# from the ::1 address assigned to lan0 by dhcpcd

# Become the authoritative DHCP server on this network

# Reserve for MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
# Give it the hostname "ssh"

# If a DHCP client claims that its name is "wpad", ignore that.
# This fixes a security hole. see CERT Vulnerability VU#598349

Finally, configure the dnsmasq service to start with

ln -s /etc/sv/dnsmasq /var/service

At this point, you can plug your ISP device into the wan0 port and plug one or more internal hosts (or switches) into any of the lan0 ports that have been bridged. The internal devices should receive a private IPv4 address from the router and be able to ping the public Internet. If your ISP gives you an IPv6 address and delegates a prefix, your internal devices should configure themselves with public IPv6 addresses.


Because the router is a generic Void system, it can be extended with whatever features you prefer. I like to use avahi for mDNS resolution, so I install that and (for glibc) the mDNS resolver for NSS:

xbps-install -S avahi nss-mdns

Firewall notwithstanding, avahi should completely ignore wan0. Edit the configuration file /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf and add (or uncomment) the line


under the [server] section. The configure the server to start with

ln -s /etc/sv/avahi-daemon /var/service

If you care about logging, which you should, I recommend socklog:

xbps-install -S socklog-void
ln -s /etc/sv/{nanoklogd,socklog-unix} /var/service

I also enable sshd so that I can access my router remotely (using the port redirect rule in the firewall), so run

ln -s /etc/sv/sshd /var/service

I also require key-based authentication for SSH, but won’t describe the process here. With an SSH server running, I also like to block repeated login attempts. (They will always fail when password authentication is prohibited, but it makes for noisy logs.) The sshguard package can dynamically modify firewall rules to block repeat attackers. With nftables, the process looks like

xbps-intall -S sshguard
sed -i '/BACKEND=/a BACKEND="/usr/libexec/sshg-fw-nft-sets"' /etc/sshguard.conf
ln -s /etc/sv/sshguard-socklog /var/service

The service assumes you are using socklog. If everything is working the command

nft list tables

should show, among other things, table ip sshguard and table ip6 sshguard. As apparent attacks are logged by the system, sshguard will dynamically add hosts to sets within these tables.


Any Linux system that you’re comfortable administering can make a powerful home router. For me, Void is a great platform; it provides a good selection of kernels, is generally up to date (especially the packages I care about) and has top-notch ZFS support. Using ZFSBootMenu to boot the Void environment has additional benefit, providing me with a perfect recovery environment should a bad update or other catastrophe prevent the device from booting normally. I could also, but have not yet, incorporate an SSH server into the ZFSBootMenu image for remote recovery operations using dracut-crypt-ssh.